Special Offers

Here is where you will find "As New" Refurbished, Discontinued, Used or Returned products. We also offer special deals on certain items from time to time.

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Was £299
MGL Avionics Vega EMS-1 engine monitor

MGL Avionics Vega EMS-1 engine monitor£279.00

Vega EMS-1 universal engine monitor

by £200
MGL Avionics Avioguard DC to DC converter

MGL Avionics Avioguard DC to DC converter£360.00

MGL Avionics Avioguard DC to DC converter

MGL Avionics Blaze AHRS-4 horizon

MGL Avionics Blaze AHRS-4 horizon£735.00

Blaze AHRS-4 horizon with built-in attitude sensors.

Page 1 of 1:    3 Items
Parts For Aircraft Ltd


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